This is a photo of the proclamation by Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory making October 2 Gary Sweeten Day in Cincinnati. It was a great blessing and honor to have EMI go to all the trouble to have the Mayor make the proclamation.
The Mayor also made Sunday, October 3 College Hill Presbyterian Church Day in Cincinnati for founding EMI and its predecessor, the Teleios Center, and supporting EMI's national and international ministries for thirty years.
Are you serious Gary...the mayor of Cincinnati? Now I KNOW I need to keep sending you some funds...congrats to you. It truly is a pleasure to have had you add to our lives.
They did not give me the key to the city until it was too late at night to get anything. At my age I can't paint the town red after 9:00 PM. The 30th anniversary party was a very big deal. Man, I do not need to die now because I have heard all the great things I can bear.
On Sunay I preached twice at College Hill Presbyterian and the also read a proclamation declaring CHPC Day in Cincinnati because of the church's generosity toward the city and the world.
it was High Cotton, brother.
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