Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Addictions and So Forth

My major concern about many addiction prevention programs is that they do not work very well. Most of them put a lot of emphasis on what are considered to be "Addictive Substances." Some things are thought to be so toxic and strong that the brain immediately begins to lust for them after one try.

This means that a lot of time and energy is spent on identifying different kinds of drugs and spelling out why they are so dangerous. As a corollary, a good deal of emphasis is placed on the fact that addictive substances can "Grab a person and not turn loose."

This is consistent with the philosophy used by some, including many law enforcement officials and churches. I have heard people say that pornography is so powerful and addicting that a one time use is dangerous and many who simply "experiment" may well become hooked.

In my view, this is not the best way to do prevention. Number one, most drug and alcohol users know that this is simply not true. We know that addictions do not immediately come upon a person with one experiment. Users tend to see these as attempts to scare them from trying drugs.

When we try to scare people with these stories we lose credibility. They then assume we are either ignorant of lying. Back in the Seventies it was popular on college campuses to show an old film that indicated using marijuana would make people stark raving mad. The students loved to watch it and smoke some dope at the same time while laughing uproariously at how ridiculous such claims were.

As a therapist I want people to avoid abusing drugs, all drugs. In fact, I want people to stop every type of compulsive and dependent behavior. It is the behavior, not primarily the substances, that is harmful. It is the bad habits that kill.

Look at this formula for an addiction.

AB = C + D Addictive Behavior = Compulsions + Dependencies

Compulsions arise from within to medicate pain or discomfort
Dependencies arise from within to provide an artificial high

We can have a person that is Compulsive with drugs and is not Addicted
We can have a person that is Dependent upon drugs and is not Addicted

An Addicted person is both Compulsive and Dependent

Bad habits, compulsions and dependencies predominantly arise from within the heart and soul not from outside the person. I could not be an alcohol dependent because I do not like the way drinking alcohol makes me feel. I get sick instead of high so it is not a source of dependency for me. (Dependencies come from getting high.)

I could not become a Compulsive drinker because I do not get relief from my inner pain with drinking. (Compulsiveness is designed to medicate inner pain like boredom, depression, anxiety, fear, anger, etc.)

I could become addicted to sex or ice cream. Both give me both pleasure and make me forget inner discomfort. However, knowing this, I am careful to take care of myself.

My primary temptation is and always has been-----WORK. Work is not a substance yet it is the source of many problems. People with healthy inner lives are not at risk so stay healthy.

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