Sunday, March 13, 2011

Autism Conference

Attended the free H3 (Help, Hope and Healing) Conference on Autism Friday night and Saturday in Franklin, Ohio. (Sweeten Life research Path Map on the wall)

It is put on by parents Jeff and Debby Barnett with the support of the Crosspointe Church of Christ on Route 122 just outside Middletown. This church has many classes, support ministries and groups to minister to their people, including a support group of parents with a child that has a disability. (Photo of Sanctuary)

The speakers were of the highest quality and covered the whole spectrum of care for "The Autism Spectrum". I am posting some of the photos I took with my camera phone of people who spoke and or had displays. Much of it was over my head but this group really seems to be on the cutting edge of helping parents care for their children.

Contact Jeff or Debby Barnett if you are interested in learning more about the conference. Call or write me and I will give you their contact information. Their web link did not work for me.

I was able to chat with several parents and presenters and tell them about our research and our desire to recruit churches, volunteer groups and organizations that are committed to helping support parents with a child who has a special need.

Go to the Sweeten Life web for audio tapes, video presentations and articles to help you (TM) Build a lifetime of great relationships.

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