Thursday, October 26, 2006

Group Stages of Change

After having some major conflicts over my attempt to introduce Small Group Bible studies in my home church, I decided to study small groups and how to bring change into an organization. My doctorate at University of Cincinnati focused on Integrating Psychology and Theology and how to equip Christians to grow up into maturity. Small groups fit that vision well.

I was blessed to study at U.C. with a group of professors that were real experts. I learned many valuable lessons and in turn have taken those lessons into churches around the world. The wise facilitator will recognize the differing needs at each stage and respond to the members accordingly so the group can grow more effectively and quickly.

Group Stages. When a small number of persons of any kind, committee, cell, Bible study, task force. Etc, meets on a regular basis, a group mind can form that transitions the members from individuals with personal needs to individuals who put the health of the organization or group first. The stages are: Form, Storm, Norm, Perform, Reform.

1. Form: Gathering and getting acquainted. People are asking, "Why am I here and who else is here?" There is some anxiety in members. Make sure each person is comfortable.
2. Storm: The question is this: "Who is in charge here and how can I influence the group?" Some ask questions about direction, challenge the priorities and show displeasure in other ways. It is a test to get through this stage successfully. If the Storm Stage is not passed successfully it is impossible to Perform well as a team. Leaders must listen, clarify, process and not get defensive or argue.
3. Norm: Question: "How do we work together best?" Discovering and agreeing to the Norms for group process is key. Everyone gets on board with the boundaries, goals, operating principles and using different gifts.

4. Perform: Honest, genuine sharing and interdependent ministry. This is what we have been waiting for and hope for. Heart issues arise and are handled with sensitivity.

5. Reform: Each time a person leaves or a new person enter the group, the dynamics change so it goes back to Form, Storm, Norm and Perform. Open groups rarely ever get to the Perform Stage because new people are always coming and veterans are going.

We need to guide groups successfully through these stages and keep them on track.

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