Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Exploring New Visas

I made it, but it wasn't easy. To get into Russia I need have a tourist Visa and that requires a letter of invitation and a voucher that the tourist company or the Passport company gets for me. This is a very expensive process. The Russians may have acted like Socialists at home but they certainly learned how to charge the Capitalists when we visit them.

The Passport company had trouble getting the letter so they called and said, "Send more money." It sounded like my son when he was in college. So, Saturday came and the Visa arrived but no letter of invitation. I am in a panic for Monday is my flight to Prague and it is a holiday. I called Galina to see if she can get one to me but they say, "Ours will not match the one registered by the Passport company.

I called and I called but nobody answered. I was nervous. However, they called me back just before I left for the airport and said, "The letter is in the fax." I went to the office and it was there. Panic over. Prayers answered. No money back because of there mistakes. OK, I am just glad to be in Prague with a Valid Visa for Russia.

My flight was late out of New York. Remind me next time to avoid New York. But, Czech Air made up the time and we got in to Prague at 8:00 AM. PTL! The people cheered when we landed. I joined them even though the flight was smooth and the crew was excellent.

Craig Springer was there to pick me up and we had a great time sharing today. More on that later. Now it is time to sleep. I have meetings and a teaching tomorrow.

Prayers and praise needed. Thanks!


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