Pope Benedict is here in the USA and his visit is making quite a splash. I am happy to see him and I wish him the very best success in igniting a revival of spiritual life in his church.
I am not a Roman Catholic, of course, but we Evangelicals need many good friends in the battle to bring light into the darkness. The current Pope, as was the last, is a good man who preaches many aspects of the Bible that are helpful and healthy. His theology, while imperfect, is better than the nihilism and materialism most often seen in our public life.
One comment caught my eye about the strength of spiritual life in America. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican secretary of state, notes that "religion is deeply rooted in American life despite the separation of church and state."
I would correct his statement to be, "Religion is deeply rooted in American life BECAUSE of the separation of church and state." When Christians came across the sea from Europe and left the state churches in Germany, Ireland, England and Scandinavia they wanted to be free to worship as they wished. It was the Believers who insisted on the separation of church and state and that has not changed since the colonial days.
Free people in free churches led to a competition for converts and members. This meant that lazy ministers and cold, dead congregations did not fare well. People vote with their feet in America. In Europe churches are still funded by tax monies and that has led to large buildings with small congregations.
Lord send revivals and awakenings to America. We need everything you have. And, bless the Pope and his people.
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