Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Committed Couples Workshops

Where do we go today to learn how to be a husband? How are men supposed to learn the skills of fathering and the art of loving and understanding a woman?

Solomon is dead so we cannot call him on Skype of send a text message to his cell phone and get a wise answer to our questions about love and life. The modern TV shows certainly seem to have run out of wisdom and the Black rappers' music is so filled with rage, hatred and female domination that even the Misogynist Association is scared to listen to them.

Oh, I forgot. We can all learn about how to be sensitive as New Millennium Men by watching The View. Rosie O'Donnell and Barbara Walters can teach us to respect women.

As a Christian I would love to learn from some wise people at church but it is rare for a church to have anything to say. Too bad because millions want to learn from the Bible and from experienced older men.

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