Monday, April 02, 2007

Fun at Rosie's Expense

The best way to deflect comments by zealots and fanatics is with humor. The Media Research Center throws an annual Gala/"DisHonors Awards" for the dumbest comments in 2006. This year it was on Monday April 2, 2007 and had some doozeys as examples of how people can get carried away with partianship and rancor.

For example,

Pat Sajak’s accepted a “dishonor” award for Rosie O’Donnell for equating radical Christians with radical Muslim terrorists, by saying, “Last night I was at church – it was, you know, our Wednesday night be headings.”

The idea that Mother Teresa and Billy Graham are dangerous murders flies in the face of all that is good and right and merciful.

Christ is known as the Great Physician and the greatest advances of missionaries always come from medical missions. Almost every charitable hospitable in the world can be traced back to Christians. There will be no hospitals named for Ben Laden but thousands for Christian Saints.

Returning rancor for rancor, anger for anger and attack for attack just doesn't do any good. But to laugh and offer satire for an attack lightens the load for everyone.

It is important for us to to remind ourselves to stay calm in the face of anxious and angry folks. I think this is part of the message of Jesus when He said, "Turn the other cheek." Anyone who can turn the other cheek when slapped in the face by a wounding word has to be at peace with God and himself.

Go, in peace and serenity.

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