Sunday, January 25, 2009

Peer Helpers, Coaches and Chaplains

I have been interested in the power of People to help each other for a long time. With the rise of Alcoholics Anonymous, Lay Pastors and Christian Cell Groups we are seeing an explosion of self help or really mutual help opportunities. Here is the good news from a Clinical Counselor; Peer Helping is almost always as useful as that offered by Professionals.

On Saturday I spoke with about twenty men and women who are volunteering to be available to people in pain to offer a listening ear, a warm heart and caring prayer. The group was called together by Jim and Kathy Mills who are fostering the development a Chaplaincy movement here in Greater Cincinnati. It is a great idea.

If you are interested in being trained as a Chaplain, send me an email and I can get you in touch with Jim and Kathy.

Gary Sweeten

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