Thursday, May 17, 2007

Beware of Mockers and Scoffers

At this time we are seeing many attempts by agressive agnostics and atheists to engage Christians in debates and arguements. The Bible clearly tells us to avoid such things. I know, I know. These debates are fun to watch and we enjoy having someone smarter than us take it to the other side for a change.

We get tired of hearing the Left Wing Loonies attack God and our Christian values on TV and radio. Why should they get all the press with their lies and hate speech? Maybe it is our time to have the lions on our side for a change! With an articulate defender of the faith we can overcome the wolves and win the debates.

But that is the opposite of what the Bible teaches us to do. I do not like it but it is true. It is my nature to defend myself and defend God. I grew up in a climate that was definitely "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". That is why I lost my front teeth at age 19.
The Bible 's inspired writers had enormous wisdom. In fact, the man supposed to have been the "Smartest of his era" wrote that debating scoffers and mockers we would actually lose the battle of public opinion.

No matter how smart we are or how well we defend the truth we will lose the debate. I do believe the scripture but let's face it, that sounds a bit nuts to me as a rational man. Good debaters win debates; especially when they have true truth on their side. And we do. Except, when we Chritians enter into arguements with people who disrespect us. Then we get destroyed in reputation and our faith loses credibility. It's in the book!

Proverbs 9:7

He who rebukes a scorner heaps upon himself abuse, and he who reproves a wicked man gets for himself bruises.

You did not believe me, eh. Now you see I am right.