Monday, May 07, 2007

Marriage and Long Life

I just celebrated my 69Th Birthday last Saturday with the woman I met 46 years ago. A good marriage leads to a longer and healthier life. Men who have heart problems, as I do, and who know they are loved by a wife live longer.
No joke. It is true. One of the reasons I became a Marriage and Family Therapist was due to research about the many ways a good marriage enhances health and bad marriages reduce it.

Maybe you remember that I have also started a new blog called Committed Couples. Take a look at It is dedicated to building healthier couples and healthier families.

When couples and parents get help for troubled or conflicted family life things get better. I have seen hundreds of near miracles when people go to counseling for intractable and difficult issues. So, counseling works. That is good news.

Now here is the better news. Classes that include teaching communication and conflict management skills also work and they provide a great way to help many troubled couples. This is why we are teaching a workshop for couples in June for leaders in Clermont and Hamilton Counties in Ohio.

Go to the Committed Couples site and get the scoop. The workshop is co-sponsored by the Federal Government for Clermont County and state of Ohio for Hamilton. Beech Acres Center for Parenting Children is the key agency.

Interested in attending or having some other couple attend? Let me know.

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