Hi Gary,
WONDERFUL article(s)! As always! I heartily concur with your assessment...although I am but a "wee" 50, I do not like being termed "Senior Citizen". It sounds like the last year of citizenship to me (like the last year of high school)I have in fact, (no doubt in utter vanity)
I am NOT signed up for AARP benefits because of the way they refer to me in their letters. I know my refusal will not change things, but maybe, if ENOUGH OF US refuse, they'll start to listen and realize we're still here, we're still "kicking" and we're still valuable to society.
I feel like the elderly Inuit who has been put on the ice flow to go downstream and die...NOT READY FOR THAT!Blessings to you and your work with Seasoned Believers!
Paula Clare commented on the last post but I thought it deserved its own place on my blog. Thanks, Paula.
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