Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Why Do Pastors Refuse to Equip Members?

I have been a Christian for sixty years. I grew up in a very conservative church that preached and taught the Bible. We said we "Believed the Bible word for word from Genesis to maps". But, we did not really follow what it said on some very important matters.

One of the last things that our Lord said is recorded in Matthew 28:16ff. Just before Jesus rose from the earth and ascended into the heavens He gave a direct order to the small group of men who had been with Him Let me paraphrase it to get your attention.

"Remember that I told you earlier that I was going to go away and send you the Holy Spirit to be your encourager and counselor. It is best that I go to the Father because then you will be able to do far more than I could do if I stayed.

"Now here are my marching orders and I have the authority to do it. Go out from here and make students and practitioners of every nationality and ethnic group in the whole world. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them and train them to do everything I did and that you will do. In other words, reproduce yourselves among the Jews and Gentiles of every tongue, race and ethnicity until my followers fill the earth with Believers."
This is the most basic call of Jesus to His followers and it worked fine in the early days. Every follower of Jesus was trained how to minister in power, truth and love. They met in homes and under trees and their lives were changed along with the Roman Empire.

But, after some 300 years, things changed and a few elitist leaders took over the organization and did all the work of the ministry. This was and is a direct violation of Jesus' Great Commission. If a church even equips ten to twenty percent of its members a community will be transformed. But few really equips any members.
It is time for a change. We are ready for a New Reformation. God is on the move. Get ready. Our book, Hope and Change for Humpty Dumpty will inspire you and educate you on how to start.

Sweeten Life Systems
P.O. Box 498455
Cincinnati, Ohiop 45249

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