Saturday, December 23, 2006

A Baby Causes Controversy

Every since Jesus was born in a stable He has caused trouble. When the political boss in charge of that region heard that a rival was on the scene he did what any self respecting pol would do, he tried to have him killed. So what if thousands of other babies would also have to die in the process? The key thing was to eliminate a potential rival.

That has been the practice of politicians for centuries. Jealous uncles killed babies destined to be the king; king maker wannabes killed the heirs to the Russian throne; American political bosses hire private eyes to find embarrassing facts about a rival and the press is excitedly ready to do the killing for them. It is to be expected of evil men and women.

So, I am not surprised when men who would be kings or gods of science and politics try to dethrone Jesus today. Richard Dawkins, a contemporary scientist, has written a new book decrying people's faith and the "unscientific ideas" of people like you and me. He derides our intellect and makes fun of our ideas. He would like to "kill our groups, churches and movements" just as Herod tried 2,000 years ago.

But I am not worried. Hitler's "Thousand Year Reign" lasted less than fifty years and Lenin's atheistic takeover fell after about seventy years. Now the death, devastation and disaster they left is being cleaned up and healed by people who follow the Prince of Peace. We always have to pick up the pieces of atheists and narcissists.

But cheer up. This Christmas we can take comfort in the fact that radical scientists, radical politicians and radical Muslims may try to kill the Baby in the Manger but His death and resurrection have already overcome the world.

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