Sunday, July 08, 2007

A Big Shock

As you may know, my doctoral dissertation was focused on training lay people to care and counsel people in pain. One of the great shocks of my research was the fact that, in most cases, lay people are as effective as professionals. Sometimes they are even more effective.

My research was conducted primarily in the early Seventies with writing the dissertation and graduation coming in 1975. Yep, 32 years ago the data were clear that ordinary house wives and farmers were just as effective as psychologists in helping people defeat depression, anxiety, marital conflicts and other issues.

Here we are in 2007 reading all over the place that we must depend upon "experts" to tell us how to act to be happy. From Dr. Phil to Dr. Laura we are surrounded by "experts". It reminds me of an old proverb: Until lions have historians the hunters will get all the good press.

Some of the most gifted, talented and sensitive people I have ever known were licensed only by the Lord and were forbidden to minister in His Name because they had no "Official Seminary Education or Ordination".

Many years ago I was discussing this topic with an "Official Minister of a Reformed Church Tradition". He was incensed that I had the title of "Minister" at College Hill Presbyterian although I had not attended seminary. "It isn't right..." he sputtered in frustration. "You are destroying the traditions of the church."

I admit that my flesh got the better of me and I was unable to "Turn the other tongue". I said, Yes, that great tradition of seminary that the Apostles Peter, James and John went through as well as John Calvin himself. (All four were lay people used mightily of the Lord.)

He was startled and could only say, "Oh, that was different."

(To be honest my doctorate integrated theology and psychology and I have been ordained so I am not immune to an "official status".)

In psychology, counseling, social work and all other types of and counsel the most important aspects of healing come from how well we relate in love and compassion. So, the Bible is still true and caring with the "Fruit of the Spirit" does trump knowledge, psychology and medicines.

People are staying stuck in pain because they cannot afford or find a Licensed Therapist. That is too bad for finding a person who will listen in love is just as important to their recovery. For over forty years I have been training ordinary lay people how to care through love and God's truth and the research just proves that the scripture has been correct all along.

Thankfully, in 1989 God called me to set up a Professional Counseling Center that combined the best of psychology and the Fruit of the Spirit. Wow, what power is in that combination.

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