I sometimes like to post funny little things from the world of every day insanity. Take a look at this one and let me know what you think is ironic about it.
David Corn of Mother Jones Magazine mocks John McCain for his technological backwardness: "Where is McCain's intellectual curiosity? Over the past decade, more and more Americans of all ages have become wired. Using email and the Internet has become a fundamental activity of modern life. How could McCain, who has long wanted to lead this nation, say to himself, I don't need to know how this stuff works? And in an era when so much depends on the Internet--including much of the economy and aspects of national security--how could a senior legislator and commander-in-chief wannabe eschew firsthand experience of how this series of tubes and wires functions?
Do you get the irony?
Hi Gary,
Great article...
One piece of irony...or misinformation. "tubes" are no longer used...in either tv, radio, OR computer.
This fellow sets himself up as an expert on electronics and the newest kinds of gadgets and criticizes President Bush because he supposedly doesn't know how to operate them. He seems to be another Bush hater whose rage is so great that he makes himself look foolish by saying that "Bush has no first hand knowledge of "How this series of tubes and wires functions".
Many of the current devices operate in wifi and have no wires. But most important, there have been no tubes in 99% of the TVs and radios since the sixties.
I have gotten carried away with my judgements on several occasions and put my foot squarely in my open mouth. So, I must be careful and offer Mr. Corn some mercy and grace. Thankfully, my most egregious errors were not recorded.
I'm glad I gave Mr. Corn mercy because I goofed up on the comment and said it was Mr. Bush about whom he was criticizing when he was actually talking about McCain.
Is my face red? Yep! I suppose I am so used to Bush Bashing and unused to McCain Bashing that i unthinkingly nessed up.
No excuses. I did it for all the world to see.
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