Monday, November 03, 2008

Getting Settled

It does take some time to get settled in a new home. My friend Dave Baker did the hard work of putting the computers in place. My son-in-law David K also helped me with the Wi-Fi but I need more assistance. There is a bad connection somewhere along the line and I can barely read the screen.

Tomorrow is the final day of 2008 elections. Wow! What a trip!

I think we are on the brink of tipping the USA into a Western European type of Socialist Democracy that will mean the end of Capitalism as we know it. That seems to work in Scandinavia and Europe but the American drive to innovate, create and compete will be severely curtailed.

God only knows the future and He alone controls what is happening. Is He moving us this way because it is our best option or because He is angry with us? I do not know.

I am praying for His best.

Gary Sweeten


Amy Rudge said...

Daniel 4:17
the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of men.

It's my only hope...

kiddrev said...

You never know Uncle Gary...the results aren't in yet! But with the demise of personal responsibility, it seems inevitable. I'm not sure I believe John McCain when he says "The best workers in the world are in America" I think they left for India some time ago. (and when I got my basement dry walled, I didn't call the Scottish-American union) I believe that John McCAin believes John McCAin, but he's a few decades off in his estimation, it seems to me.