Friday, November 07, 2008

Media-Misleading and Myopic

Narcissistic Journalists

I think the biggest losers in this election season were the people who write newspaper stories and appear on TV as journalists. They were little more than cheerleaders for Obama who openly and covertly promoted his campaign and attacked McCain and Palin. They were extremely narcissistic.

Take a look at the way the editors and writers are talking about Obama now that it is too late for voters to do anything about the truth. Evan Thomas and Jon Meacham were on the Charlie Rose Show and said some extremely troubling things about Obama. However, their weekly magazine wrote stories and had his photos on ten cover as though he were Saint John.

Are these "News Weeklies" or "Inspirational Stories of the Divine"? Newsweek is obviously not about reporting the facts of news but interested in making news. Will they get away with it? I do not think they will. Dan Rather was actually fired for lying about George Bush and his reputation is tarnished forever. But even Dan spoke up and said that today's media has mistreated Palin and McCain.

Remember, it is the task of Christians to "Speak the truth in love." Viva the Internet.

Gary Sweeten

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