Monday, April 06, 2009

Why Are People Ignorant about Religion?

Generally speaking the public knows little or nothing about religion in general and Christianity specifically. Why are so many people either ignorant or mistaken about the facts? Religion is rarely reported in the news.

The Pew Research Center reports that:

Throughout much of 2008, the media generally seemed to follow two patterns in its coverage of religion. First, religion reporting was often episodic, clustering intensely around big events such as the pope's visit and religion stories related to the 2008 holiday season. Religion stories also faded quickly from the headlines.

Second, the angle of religion coverage frequently gravitated toward controversies, such as Barack Obama's relationship with Jeremiah Wright and stories about the clergy sex-abuse scandal that surfaced during the pope's visit. This was particularly problematic for the presidential and vice-presidential candidates, who were inundated with questions concerning their faith.

The media loves controversy. They rarely report the good things we do so 99% of Christianity is missing in the minds of the public. If people are to understand us we must do a better job of reporting our own news.

Gary Sweeten


Vicar of Vincennes said...

Gary, what are you thinking? I know I come across as negative, but really!!! Who and what do you think Christians would report? That we walked 26 blocks carrying a cross on Jesus Day, invite the media to hear our christian bands sing about emotions, and try harder to please HIM? that the local Baptist Church knocked on my door at 7am on a Saturday and invited me to Sunday School? I would just as soon fly under the radar and allow the Lord draw the unbelievers.

Gary Sweeten said...

What, indeed, would we say if we had the opportunity?

Vicar, I think you have had your eyes opened.

Nothing to the Lord I bring
Only to His cross I cling!