I was able to attend a wonderful funeral/memorial service this week for an old friend and boss. Bill Nester died and his funeral at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church on Beechmont was the site of a wonderful, spiritually uplifting service.
First of all, it was liturgical and thus full of beautiful words, wonderful prayers and powerful scripture verses. Unlike the church of my childhood and my preferences today, a liturgical church leaves one breathless and inspired.
Second, there was Holy Communion. Hearing those wonderful words of consecration and taking the body and blood of Jesus provided a special inspiration for me.
Third, there is no doubt that Jesus Christ was Lord and that we are able to meet Him in heaven if we accept that truth. Unbelievers did not go away wondering if Bill Nester was an agnostic or spiritualist. The entire service made his faith in Christ plain.
Fourth, I was reminded of my own mortality and my need to serve Jesus while I can.
Thanks be to God for His wonderful reminders.
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