Monday, November 20, 2006

Rigid Personalities and Religion

A person from one of my discussion groups recently wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Here is an old quote from a Robert McAfee Brown book. This statement was from an anonymous seventeenth century writer: "I had rather see coming toward me a whole regiment with drawn swords, than one lone Calvinist convinced that he is doing the will of God."

There are at least two theories on a rigid personality development. Some see it as the result of our chosen religion or brand of religion. Mr. Brown, quoted above, seems to think it is the result of Calvinism. Others see people with rigid personalities choosing certain types of philosophies that reinforce their preferences. Those folks would argue that Mr. Brown happened to run into a bunch of rigid thinkers who found Calvin to their liking.

I am in the second camp. I have rarely ever seen a sweet, retiring, introverted person that suddenly, upon having their “Hearts strangely cocooled " after being baptized by the Spirit into the Calvinist camp, will become rigid, argumentative and hard nosed.

It seems to me that since Calvinism is a systematic philosophy not unlike science or mathematics it can further exacerbate an already analytical, linear, yes/no, black/white, right/wrong type of thinker.

I do believe that knowing God and being involved in a warmly, charismatic and experientialy Reformed body can retrain the brain and soften the hardest biological preset design. This is why the fruit of the Spirit and not the gifts or word of God are the way we need to judge our maturity. Any bright but defected fleshly and rigid man can memorize the creeds and scripture and thereby pass for mature if “Knowledg is the goal. They would fit nicely onto Paul’s description of the fruit of the flesh.

But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness and patience. Wow! We can't fake that can we? So, if you have a tendency to be analytical, rigid and think in black/white extremes you might want to get into a small group with people taht love to worship, pray and hug. There is no telling how much better your heart and brain will work together.

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