Saturday, November 25, 2006

Thanks Around the World

Karen and I were discussing the benefits of our American Thanksgiving and we became quite thankful for Thanksgiving. We had several reasons:

1. We are thanking God. It is very difficult for the secularists, who hate God and all that God does,to take God out of Thanksgiving. Even the historians are willing to recognize that the Pilgrims were pious, religious Christians that prayed and thanked God for His blessings.

Our great and good friends in Moscow, Russia are most impressed by Thanksgiving and they wish Russia had a similar celebration that focused on God. We received an e mail from Anya and Galina yesterday that reiterated how much they admire the founders of America for making it possible.

2. It is a family affair. Families tend to gather and have fellowship around the meal table. Breaking bread together has always been a symbol of a sacred encounter and families are sacred.

3.No gifts and no obligations. Few people actually need anything so why do we still buy so much at Christmas.

Keep thanking God daily and do not allow anyone to rob us of our heritage, lest we fall like Russia into despair and despotism.

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