Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Why are we so upset with Ted?

The whole Ted Haggard story has us Evangelicals in a real tizzy. Almost everyone who is someone is writing, blogging, jogging and nogging about it. Why so much gnashing of teeth and wringing of hands?

I can only guess but it may be because we had him on one of our unfortunate pedestals. Beware all who enter here for being placed on such a high throne is dangerous to your spiritual health. My buddy Steve Sjogren, founder of the phrase, "Servant Evangelism" and practitioner of some of the funniest lines and lover of finding ways to deflate pomposity, supposedly told a great parable one Sunday.

"Once upon a time, I was in my office and heard lots of hammering and work going on outside the church house. I asked my very private secretary what that was all about and she said, 'They are building a high platform on which you can be seen by everyone.' "

"Well, that sounded pretty good and pretty accurate to fit my exalted position as Senior Pastor. Several hours later a delegation came in to escort me to my place on the pedestal. We all waked outside but I could not see it well until I got to the bottom of the steps leading upward eight feet to my place of prominence. What a shock to discover that the pedestal was actually a gallows!"

Whenever we reach for the stars beware lest we end up behind bars.

Ted was brighter than almost any other young star. He was unlike Swaggart and Bakker because they were nothing but TV Evangelists. Ted was our man. Head of the National Association of EVANGELICALS. WOW! And, he was a legitimate Pastor.

He really messed us up. Oh, yeah, he messed that pedestal up.

How we handle Ted will reveal a lot about our theology and our practice. Where is my heart? Is it centered in love and grace or revenge that he messed up my reputation?

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