Thursday, February 01, 2007

Pastoral Consultations in Moscow

Two of the most interesting and creative men we met in Russia are Pavel and Mihail, Pastors of Evangelical Churches in Moscow. Their ideas and interests are very closely aligned with those of life Way Ministries and of Galina's team. (See

Anya, Yerina and I met with them in the Coffee Bean Cafe across the street from our hotel and along with some fine Earl Gray Tea, we had a great conversations. Anya, short for Anna, is an excellent translator but even she had some difficulty staying up with the three Russians who all were trying to get their points across to me at the same time.

The Coffee Bean was the Bean of Babel for awhile as Pavel was telling us how the local Alcoholics Anonymous, A.A., was busily saving men and women from not only drunkenness but for eternal life. These men know from personal experience how valuable A.A. can be for so many people, especially in the former USSR.

Yerina is sold on the idea that our Christ Centered brand is superior to regular A.A. and we need to promote it more strongly. No one was totally convinced but it was a great and valuable discussion that needs to be continued for the lives of millions are at stake.

Anya was trying her best to stay up with these interested and conversant experts. However, Russian is much wordier than English so she had to do some major shorthand and I had to show some major intuitive insights if I were to really sense the differences of the two systems. This I know: A.A. in both its forms is necessary to the very survival of Russia and the former Eastern Bloc.

The damage done to the people from evil Soviet leaders cannot easily be overestimated. Hillary Clinton can joke about "Evil Men" but I suspect she has no idea how destructive the ideas and actions of the Communists really are. She may laugh at President Bush's rough language but she must realize that millions upon millions of people still suffer greatly from the official abuse of the Socialists and more millions will suffer for generations to come from the dictators now in office.

It is one thing to play politics and use satire to win an election it is quite another to launch healing ministries designed to bring peace to the children and families eviscerated by truly evil men. War is hell but life under a chronically vicious administration like Stalin, Saddam and Kim Jon IL is worse.

Pray for peace and healing through Jesus for the former prisoners of the CCCP (USSR). Both Pavel and Yerina will agree with that action step.
Now Steve and I are back home, busily reconnecting with our local ministry and planning several great events for the churchese here in Cincinnati. More later...

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