Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Most Dangerous Drugs

For the past forty years we have heard about the dangers of street drugs like cocaine, heroin and meth. There is no doubt that these drugs are both illegal and dangerous. However, alcohol still remains the most dangerous drug in the world.

A recent series on HBO covered the rather complex issues surrounding addictions and had this to say about treatment.

Which Treatment Should I Pursue?
A. Thomas McLellan, Ph.D.

I am not sure I have a substance use problem Perhaps you have found yourself drinking or using more than you intended, or you have had an accident or social problem associated with your alcohol or drug use, or you have friends or family who have been worried about your use.

Option 1

Try to reduce or quit yourself. Experts have set guidelines that can help you determine if you have a problem. In the case of alcohol, drinking more than four drinks in a day, 14 in a week is considered "heavy drinking" for men.

Women who have more than three drinks in a day, 11 in a week fall into this category. If many of your friends drink this much, it may be difficult for you to drink less and still be around them.

Try drink-reducing strategies such as having a drink of water or soda between alcoholic drinks; or taking only the amount of cash that you wish to spend at a bar and not using credit cards. Other strategies include making a contract with yourself for use only at planned days and time periods. The Internet offers many other reduction strategies. Regardless of your strategy, keep the alcohol guidelines in mind - and be honest. If you find you cannot keep within these guidelines it may mean you need additional help.

Many people think if they drink only beer and do not drink what we call "hard liquor" they cannot have a drinking problem. That is not true. Beer is as dangerous as whiskey.

It is especially important for parents to be careful when they drink. Many accidents are the result of a couple of beers and kids also pick up the habit of seeing alcohol as an answer to stress.

For several years I struggled with a drinking problem. I finally quit when God touched my life. However, I was still deeply addicted to smoking. I could not quit until the Lord used the birth of my daughter Julia to convince me that seeing her grow up was more important than a drag of nicotine. I immediately stopped doing that drug as well as alcohol and I am much better off for it as are my kids.

If a family member or friend has warned you to stop or reduce your drinking, you have a problem. If you have failed at managing it yourself, find some place to get help. AA is a good place to begin.

If you are married to a problem drinker, go to Al Anon. Get help for your self.

Stop being a slave to drugs. Alcohol and nicotine are drugs.

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