Sunday, March 25, 2007


Depression Statistics Double in last 50 years

Depression growing at an alarming rate

The number of people suffering from depression has doubled in the last fifty years, leaving scientists alarmed and wondering why. The irony is that our lives have improved dramatically. We’re eating better, we work fewer hours, enjoy better health, take longer vacations and have far more discretionary income than we did in the fifties. In fact, the NIH estimates that 1 in 5 of us will suffer from depression at some time in our lives.

With all the improvements in our lives, why the increase in depression? One answer could be the way these improvements have changed our lifestyles. With luxuries that satisfy our every need, we have become sedentary and spend most of our day indoors. A recent national survey shows that we now spend less than an hour/day in the sun. And that doesn’t matter if it’s summer or winter, or if we live in Minnesota or Southern California. Young and old alike, we spend very little time outdoors.

Depression Statistics:
The rate of depression has almost doubled over the last 50 years
Nearly 15% of the US population now suffers from Depression
Represents 18 million Americans
20 million more suffer from anxiety
Women are twice as likely as men to become depressed
The rate of depression doubles in the elderly
Most people with depression have sleep problems

But we know how to help depressed people. Teaching them to apply the Bible in daily life is important as is exercise and getting enough sleep.

Contact Life Way if you or a person you love is depressed.

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