Saturday, March 31, 2007

Horizon Community Church

Last Sunday I spoke at the Horizon Community Church 10:30 AM service in Indian Hill just outside of Cincinnati. (You can listen with Power Point slides. ) Horizon has a very creative group of Pastors led by Chad Hovind who put on a high quality presentation with slides, drama, video productions and great talks each week.

I was amazed at how much goes into each service. The creativity of music, visuals, planning and relationship building is thorough and well developed. A top rated show on Broadway will do the same thing every day for weeks or years. Horizon Community Church, and many such high quality contemporary churches, do more changes every week than professionals in theatre do in years.

The congregation consists of a mix of ages, interests and religious backgrounds. They are sensitive to cultural and generational differences and work hard to present the good news in an atmosphere of quality that appeals to the five senses.

The Horizon Board has purchased a large track of land on Newtown Road and will begin the process of building next Fall. I wish them God Speed and much wisdom as they listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit in hearing how to devise a future that will draw many to the Lord.

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