Thursday, February 28, 2008

If I Knew Then...

I have often thought of alternative careers to those I have chosen, or have been chosen for me. (My Calvinist self forced me to say the last part.) I think there are two or three options that I would have been very good at. In fact, I might have made millions and not worry about paddling a canoe in retirement. After all, others have.

Option 1. Weather Man. Here is a career that gets a person on TV and radio daily. Everybody knows your name but even better is the fact that you get a new Professional Name: Climatologist or Meteorologist. Best of all, it is a profession in which the players never, ever have to be even close to correct and yet they never, ever lose their jobs. A Meteorologist can be 100% wrong every day and ever week for months but no one pays attention.

Option 2. Monday Morning Quarterback or TV/Radio Pundit: This is even superior to Weather Person. The only bad part is not getting a long, academic sounding name. "Radio Jock" just doesn't have the power that Climatologist carries.

A Monday Morning Quarterback needs no education or experience. In fact, both are detrimental to success. One must possess a combination of arrogance and so the Hyper-Active Mental Cases in the Audience can call in and rant. Thus, the greate qualification is that combination so often found in sports and revered by fans everywhere. But the MMQB, unlike the weather babe, is always 100% correct. Why? Because the call the game after they know the score.

I have some other nominations but I pause to allow you to write me your Dream Vocations. The winner will get a month's vacation in Antarctica to measure the depth of the ice.

(You must pay all expenses.)


Paula Clare said...

Hi Gary,
My dream vocation(s) would be a Travel Photographer. I would love to go to exotic locales and far flung "holes in the wall" to photograph restaraunts, inns, sunsets, animals, and people. (this vocation would work nicely with my calling to missions also!)

A Wycliffe Bible Translator in Papua New Guinea. My husband could be an airplane mechanic. I love the idea of living with indigenous people groups.

And third, and finally, I would love to be a best selling author/seminar speaker. Again, travel would be involved...hmmm. There seems to be a theme here.

Gary Sweeten said...

Be careful, Paula, with God placing all three of these dreams in your heart you might ebd up overseas before long! Make sure you continue to read my blog and make these great comments.