Friday, February 29, 2008

Major on Minors

We humans really do love gossip.
The media wallows in it and we who read and watch eat it up. When Bill Cunningham took aim at Barack Obama and the Democrats a few days ago he knew that it would be red meat to the media talking heads and to You Tube.

People protested, ranted and raved and the Right Wing was shocked, shocked that anyone would be offended. Rush got himself into a lather claiming that the Left Wing was trying to "Shut him and other Conservatives up in a bold bid to stop free speech." Sean Hannity was psychotic he was so offended. Poor guy was hurt; badly.

Secretly, of course, Billy and all the red meat radio heads were extremely pleased. They got what they all wanted; the became even more notorious and their ratings went up accordingly. What happens when a radio show talking head has bigger audiences? They charge greater fees for advertising and make tons more money. They must really hate controversy to stir up so much of it.

Although I do not agree with their tactics or their approach, I have to admire how they love to play the victim card every chance they get. And, it works. All the rabble are aroused and call in to sympathize with poor little Willy Cunningham. And Rush, the most successful radio head in history and the richest in memory, also spoke about how the "censors" were all after him.

Hillary cries and Rush blusters. It is great fun to watch. However, it is terrible that important issues are completely ignored by the politicians and talking heads. Chris Matthews is apoplectic with the gossip and the fact the Social Security and Medicare will be bankrupt soon is completely ignored. Even Tim Russert, usually a real reporter, did not ask one single question of Hillary or Obama about the soon coming financial melt down. But they did ask about the gossip.
Bread and circuses for the media. Bread and circuses for the talking heads. But taxes and no bread for the citizens.

I hope someone will confront the candidates about real issues. But, if Willy has his way they will all be talking about him instead.

Gary Sweeten
Sweeten Life Systems
We deal with real issues not made up spin issues

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