Friday, February 22, 2008

The Little Engine That Could Do More

This is the season of political madness. We see gross spending on TV, fancy food and expensive hotels to say nothing of high priced consultants. The New York Times reports on some of the recent spending by Hillary Clinton.
Nearly $100,000 went for party platters and groceries before the Iowa caucuses, even though the partying mood evaporated quickly. Rooms at the Bellagio luxury hotel in Las Vegas consumed more than $25,000; the Four Seasons, another $5,000. And top consultants collected about $5 million in January, a month of crucial expenses and tough fund-raising.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's latest campaign finance report, published Wednesday night, appeared even to her most stalwart supporters and donors to be a road map of her political and management failings. Several of them, echoing political analysts, expressed concerns that Mrs. Clinton's spending priorities amounted to costly errors in judgment that have hamstrung her competitiveness against Senator Barack Obama of Illinois.

"We didn't raise all of this money to keep paying consultants who have pursued basically the wrong strategy for a year now," said a prominent New York donor. "So much about her campaign needs to change — but it may be too late."

The firm that includes Mark Penn, Mrs. Clinton's chief strategist and pollster, and his team collected $3.8 million for fees and expenses in January; in total, including what the campaign still owes, the firm has billed more than $10 million for consulting, direct mail and other services, an amount other Democratic strategists who are not affiliated with either campaign called stunning. (Just think how much of your money she will spend as President.)

Para-church ministries do a lot of consulting and coaching and they do a lot of good. Churches and ministries are, for the most part, effective. People they touch are converted, healed and raised up in leadership. Yet, many ministries find it difficult to raise money. What is the difference?

Political issues seem more important than salvation, healing and freedom because the TV and Newspapers constantly cover those issues and we rarely get attention from the media when we minister.

If you want to see national and international changes find a strong ministry and support it. I can guarantee you that politicians will not solve the root problems of this life and eternal life.

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